Friday, September 03, 2010


First of all I should be writing my personal statement for my application - that act has been an epic fail and should be the mission of my weekend, though somehow I think it will not be.  I have though slowly chipped away at my to do list - only have crying on the phone with my cellular phone company to do on Wednesday (long long story made short my craptastic Blackberry Pearl phone portion has never worked despite being replaced 4 times yep, 4 times)....

Ms. J was over for dinner tonight, as we do every Friday night, eat and try to plot methods of saving the world from disease. Seriously.  Actually it's a game - Outbreak, but yes that is what me do.  Well today we ended up talking about an older topic, my writing and fabulous life I've had to this point.  Why?  Well LMDTB has been in need of advice about her 20's.  Here is the deal I don't have advice but I do have the hindsight of age and it's this - don't follow my life.  Deep and insightful, no?  Actually it is - there is more to it of course.  Like don't fall in love with a BI because that while in theory is a good idea - I mean he is not a bad choice, it's a "it's not going to work choice," which I guess is a bad choice in some respect.  But there are bigger lessons like stay away from crazy boys and men who should know that dating someone 15 years younger is a desperate attempt to reclaim their youth and so on and so forth...  In the end though isn't life about making those mistakes.  About the personal experience and knowing that you know yourself and what you really want?

A part of me wants to send her forth and say go make every conceivable heart breaking mistake you can make because it will teach you what you want.  But in the same respect it's a horrible thing to encourage in any format given I know those night and days even of crying, pain and all that mess.

Any advice you would pass on to your younger self? 


  1. That dinner table game sounds interesting...I might try that sometime.

    I don't really have any advice to my younger self...except maybe I would tell yesterday's self to not eat so much chocolate.

  2. Hello and Welcome!!

    Well yes I think that is advice we can all offer our sightly younger selves - mine is normally I know that ice cream looks good but you know how it makes you feel, so why again did you eat it?

    Outbreak is a fabulous game, just FYI you'll likely never win, apparently the creators have decided to make an impossible game, which for two perfectionist like Ms. J and I means we sit for hours playing it over and over and over again in the hopes of winning once.


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