Monday, June 20, 2011

Warm Fuzzies

My home city got its warm fuzzies on after a horrific week and I'm proud that we did.  But beyond that I don't really have anything to say because I don't want to dwell on either mob that has arisen, those rioters or the courts of social media who has now decided to start vicious acts on the rioters, their families and homes.  Justice is not found in acts of rage regardless of what incites that rage.  So on that note, lest I go all pacifist on everyone.


So if you need to get some pent up riot frustration out today that hasn't been pancake breakfast, post note on police cars, plywood graffiti or hug a stranger out of you, then just go blow up a green pig with an angry bird.


  1.'s been hard and disappointing.

  2. I signed the Citizen's Wall last weekend while attending the jazz festival and the Vancouver Spirit Rally to thank all those who helped keep the people in the downtown core safe. (those that weren't rioting)


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